How To build the dual Extruder
Items needed:
4mm 100x50mm Aluminium plate
Printrbot Alu extruder and hot end
45mm Kysan motor
Dual extruder board from Printrbot
16mm and 3.5mm drill bit
1st) Use you current extruder plate to mark out on your 100x50 plate where your two new extruders will sit. Then drill 2x 16mm holes and 3 or 4 3.5mm holes
2nd) Fix your current extruder with the new 50x100 plate inbetween
3rd) Then do the same again with your second
extruder. Because of the 4mm diffrence you will need to adjust your auto level sensor.
4th) Wire all you wires upto the extruder board using the A ports and T1. Then plug the board into the Printrboard exp 1 port.
The Printrbot Metal should already have the lasted firmware installed. If you can see 3 extruders in your Repetier Host program bottom bar then your good to go. If you need to update your firmware please see Printrbots help page
Printrbot Simple Metal Dual Extruder Links
As of July 2014 I could not find any printrbot simple that had been modified to support a extra extruder.
I came up with this idea which is so simple and cheap to make. How ever I had spare parts which were the hotend and extruder. At the time Printrbot had the extruder board on offer for $49
Below are some link on my purchases items